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A member registered Mar 17, 2022

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Ok, thank you very much! :D

XD yep

Problem is, I can't import or export characters and it never saves my progress no matter what I do

Sadly my parents are overprotective T~T

True, alright then

Problem is,they're REALLY good at checking my laptop..They can get to ANYTHING no matter what I do sadly

Problem is,they're REALLY good at checking my laptop..They can get to ANYTHING no matter what I do sadly

Can you please make it for web browser?Hope it's not too much to ask :^

This game is so cute!I'm going to rate this 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000/10 ^^

I really hate to ask but i've always wanted to play this game,but I don't want my parents to see the download (they're smart with electronics).So could there possibly be a web version made?(Sorry if I annoyed you by asking this question.) :<

Your very welcome! :D

Ok,I rated the game because of how amazing it is! ^~^

Very fun game!


Cute quick game

Cute little game!

Fun quick game,the last item was quite difficult to get but I eventually got it.

Cute game!

Everything in the game is just amazing!

Fun game!

Very fun game

I love this,super cute!

Cute game!

I love this game,very well made!And is that Izuku Midoriya (Deku)!?I guess he ain't as innocent as we thought :0 XD